I worked in collaboration with RedBull on Trackmania. The objective of the partnership was to highlight their action location.
With my "Waypoint Mapping" team we created 8 maps, each with a different visual identity and gameplay. There were 2 of us per map, one Level Designer and a 3D modeler / Level Artist.
I worked on the first map "Alpine", with the intention of an Alpine ski station, with a bobsleigh part and a snow park. And my second map, "Splash", is composed of multiple islands. This map highlights the "Cliff Diving" events as well as the "Flugtag" competitions organized by Red Bull.
Then I created the landscape, the decoratives assets, and certain moving elements on Blender with the game limit of 4MB for everything. Then I placed them on the map. Finally I made the Lightning and the visual effects of snow, winds, etc.
Alpine Map
Splash Map

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